Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men is our Anglers & Hunting Ministry for Men. We meet every 2nd Saturday - Monthly.

Our aim is to build a brotherhood among men through the avenue of fishing and hunting, by getting out on the water, and out in the woods to fish and hunt - seasonally. Our desire is to see men build a bond through fishing and hunting, that draws each of them close to God. All guys are welcome to join in! Please invite your sons, your friends, your family, your co-workers, etc. We long to see these times that we meet together as men to fish and hunt, be times where men can grow in unity and discipleship.

Every 2nd Saturday - Monthly, we will start off the day by gathering at the church at 6 AM for breakfast and a brief time of prayer and devotional time. Afterwards, we will head into the great outdoors to a predetermined location. Please check our events calendar regularly for updated location information.

Fish on men!